This week in history
This week was the kind of week that a hobbit is very fond of. No adventures of any kind, no fuss, no huss. Until the day before yesterday that is... But all adventures are made to learn something from them, aren't they? Therefore I'd like first of all to give my thanks to metadev and andrei which were some of the most helpful persons that I found this week.
I went home and relaxed for the first time in my life, or so it seemed. I came back full of life, and I finally got to go to an interview. Even better, before leaving I finished all the bonuses at and I also discovered another challenge site (a little bit harder than osix though). You can find it here.
The day before yesterday I went to an interview and things looked okay. I went home and got myself a natural juice (no more cola). When I came back from the shop,... the display was black. Other than that the monitor was functioning normally as far as I could tell (no smoke, no buzzes, the led appeared to function correctly)... just an ugly black monitor, which didn't display anything.
The problem was aggravated by the fact that I had to send a very urgent formulary that was quite important for my future employment. My room-mate was kind enough to spare me some minutes at his computer (but not kind enough to create an account for me), but still I wasn't able to use a computer for quite long.
As a further humiliation, while using his computer, Windows broke and gave the blue screen of death. And this happened while I was TYPING!!!
Ok, so I will not be able to buy a new monitor for at least a week. Now the annoying part here was that while I knew at least two persons that had another monitor a week ago, it seemed that none of them had another monitor right now.
To my suprise, metadev called me this evening saying that he is able to give me a monitor for a week or so, tommorrow. Andrei also gave me a monitor for today, to complete my form and send it. I must say that I found this to be one of the most amazing turn of events of the last six months or so. Once again, thanks a lot guys.
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