Monday, August 29, 2005

On Paths

Today I am going to talk about paths. I am not speaking about path as in "the path you choose in life", nor am I going to speak about path as related to file-systems. I am going to talk about path as a synonim to road.

It is my own impression that there is probably one thing that us, Romanians, and especially the breed that lives over here in Bucharest is good at: making paths. It is very obvious once you arrive here. You can see paths everywhere.

Let us take an example: As I go to the local supermarket (a Carrefour) there are at least four (probably more) ways of access. There is a paved way towards each of the gates. In spite of this, the preferred way of access from one side of the store is via an unpaved path.

I am under strong suspicion that most paths that I have seen in other places in Europe are also done by Romanians. Therefore, I thought that there should be at least some laws that describe paths:

Law 1: Any two points can be connected by a path
Law 2: If there is a green sector, someone will make a path through it at some point in time.
Law 3: Any path once made through a green area shall never be green again.
Law 4: Any path once made shall become wider and wider until the whole area nearby becomes one barren land.

What does this spell you ask? It spells bad infrastructure, lack of respect for the common good and probably lack of sensitivity to nature.


At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what "path" yo are referring to. I can also tell that the gate is quite far from the intersection. In this case, that "path" represents the architect's failure to provide an easy access into the supermarket from the most obvious point of affluence (the intersection -- isn't Carrefour supposed to know better? maybe they forgot what "carrefour" means :) ).


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